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Australia's Digital Service Standard gets an update

The Australian Government's Digital Service Standard (DSS) has been updated. Gone is the dedicated criterion to make a service accessible and in it's place are accessibility requirements spread across many of the new criterion.


Uninterrupted keyboard focus: conquer popups, cookie consents, and overlays

WCAG success criterion 2.4.11 stresses keeping keyboard focus visible, despite common popup and overlay content. While partially hidden controls are allowed, it's better to ensure their focus remains identifiable.


WebAIM's 10th screen reader user survey

The results from WebAIM’s most recent screen reader user survey have been published. There are no surprises with the perennial CAPTCHA shown to be the most problematic of web content.


WCAG 2.2 is finally here!

After a long wait and several false starts WCAG 2.2 is now a W3C recommendation.


How Australia's spy agency created accessible complex images

Semantic HTML can be used to describe differences visually as an alternative but less intrusive approach than screen reader text.


Combining Tab and Arrow key navigation for Australian supermarket Coles

The challenges combining two separate components into one. Accessibility is maintained but can the user experience be improved?


How Australian supermarket Coles creates accessible user stories

Accessibility Acceptance Criteria (AAC) are broad accessibility criteria applied when user stories are created. Instead of developer-focused, they’re BA-focused and describe key behaviours the finished feature needs to display.


High standards and the quest for perfection

A fictional celebrity chef and a former British special forces soldier and their attitude to success embody the qualities to succeed with web accessibility.


Effective live regions to convey the loading state of your web app

How to use an aria live region effectively to continuously output the loading state of dynamic page content.


The challenge interpreting WCAG

Reduce incorrect opinions creeping into your builds and establish a baseline and a common vocabulary of what WCAG means with


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